Author- Wotan Jugend
From the foreword: This book is written with the intention that even an ignorant reader of history and racology can get the most clear and complete picture of the biological processes that lie behind the Greek and Roman history that we know.
Kretschmer considers the region between the lower Danube and the eastern Alps to be the ancestral home of the Italians, others as the Czech Republic and Western Hungary. Linguistics proved that within the framework of the Kentum group, the Italian, Celtic and Germanic languages are especially close to each other, so that these peoples were originally supposed to be neighbors, while the Italians and Germans remained for a long time.
The migration of Italian tribes to Italy began around 2000 BC. By 1500 BC they created the so-called Terramar culture. They practiced corpse burning, so their skulls did not survive, and the native population they conquered was a mixture of alpine and Mediterranean races. Many of the terramars (pile structures) had the same shape as later Roman military camps and the city of Rome. The service may have been performed on bridges, hence the name of the Roman high priests – “pontifex”. The oldest settlements in the Bologna region may have belonged to the Umbra.
The second wave from the Danube was more powerful than the first. She brought with her the so-called the culture of Villanova (about 1100 BC).
Herodotus mentions as far back as the 5th century BC the kingdom of umber at the mouth of the Po. But the umbra and sabella a few centuries before this had already advanced to the Apennines. The Villanova culture between Poe and the Apennines was created by them.
The place where Rome was later founded was occupied by Latin tribes and Falis. The Latin dialect is very different from the Umbrian, so their carriers should have been divided for a long time. The Italian tribes did not have memories of a common origin, they were at enmity with each other.
The native population of Italy was at a lower level than the Italians. They already knew bronze and iron, and in Italy they found the Stone Age. The natives were short and buried their dead.
Little is known about the ancient history of Rome; even less is known about the history of other Italian tribes. The Romans, with their sober mind, did not have heroic songs about the old days.
In the middle of the 4th century BC all of southern Italy was still ruled by the Umbro-Sabella tribes. The language of one of them, Oscan, was common here along with Greek. Allied War of 90-825 BC was the last attempt of this area to regain independence. Only after this war did the Latin language supplant Oske here. It is clear that during all these wars there was a mutual destruction of the clans of Nordic origin.
Rome, according to legend, was founded on April 21, 753 BC. It was founded by peasants whose descendants became patricians. These peasant families alone constituted the people (populus). They called themselves Quirits, from the word denoting a bronze spear. For protection, they used round shields (parma) of central European origin. The genera of future patricians belonged mainly to the Nordic race.
Who were the plebeians is not entirely clear. Partly it could be newcomers merchants and artisans, partially conquered by the native population. Initially, the patricians and plebeians obviously differed in race: the former were the descendants of the Nordic conquerors, and the plebeians were the descendants of the native population, mainly the Mediterranean, and in Northern Italy with an admixture of the Alpine race.
Niebuhr was the first to express the idea that the estates of the patricians and plebs were formed on a racial basis. However, patricians should not be portrayed as purely Nordic people. Probably, many Italian tribes even during the passage through the eastern Alps took a small alpine admixture. The Roman patricians, along with the Nordic features, were also distinguished by their falsity heaviness and such alpine features as zeal, industriousness and soullessness. The Nordic Hellenes were affected by the influence of the prehistoric admixture of Dinaric blood, which stimulated Nordic courage, and among the ancient Romans the deviation from the Nordic essence went in the direction of perseverance and dry rationality in the ruling stratum, and in those who were ruled in the direction of narrow simplicity and pettiness; in both cases it was about the features of the alpine race. The influence of the Near-Asian race began to affect only later. Works of art depicting historical Romans appear only in the 2nd century BC: they indicate a noticeable alpine and less noticeable falsy admixture.
The Near-Asian admixture of the patricians could be obtained by accepting in their midst noble Etruscan clans having a more or less strong admixture of this race, such as Tarquinia, Volturnia, Volumnia, Papyria, Kominia, Junia and, possibly, Horace.
It should be recalled that Etruria in the VI century BC was a strong union of city-states, and Rome became dependent on him. Etruscan influence markedly affected the beliefs of the Romans. The last three Roman kings were obviously the Etruscans, and the royal power in Rome was overthrown due to their foreignness.
But the racial influence of the Etruscans was not deep, especially in the circle of Roman clans of Nordic origin, and the Latin language was little affected by this influence. It can be assumed that the upper layer of the Etruscans also had a Nordic impurity, so for the old Roman families they did not seem as racially alien as the plebeians.
The origin of the plebs or its bulk from the pre-Italian population, mainly the Mediterranean race, is confirmed by the fact that the plebeians buried their dead, and the patricians were burnt. Among the plebs, matriarchal relations prevailed. The patricians were based on the cult of their ancestors. From their point of view, the plebeians did not have fathers, and patricians are those who can name their father. So explained the word “patrician” Titus Livius. This was linguistically incorrect, but he wanted to emphasize the matriarchy of the plebeians as opposed to the patriarchy of the patricians.
Patricians and plebeians had different attitudes towards marriage. The patricians married was a sacred act, the plebeians had two forms of marriage and both were purely secular. Patricians believed that the plebs live “like wild animals.” The goddess of the plebs was Ceres. Kunast points to the non-Nordic essence of her cult and similar cults of Demeter, Isis and Cybele.
During the transition to the republic, power was concentrated in the Senate, which was originally a meeting of tribal elders. “People” at first were only patricians, only they served in the army, and the word “populus” originally meant “army”.
The Roman Republic had a pronounced aristocratic character, but the patricians had to make concessions to the plebs so that they would not support the exiled king. Gradually, the plebeians achieved complete equality. But in the early period of the republic there was still one, but very effective barrier against racial mixing: marriages between patricians and plebeians were impossible. They were allowed only by the law of Canulea in 445 BC, the adoption of which the patricians fiercely resisted.
Mommsen, who, unlike Niebuhr, did not see the racial background of the conflict between the Roman estates, considered this resistance to be only a manifestation of class arrogance. He generally hostile to the patricians and was unable to understand how deeply the roots of unconscious racial perception went into the prehistoric past of the Indo-European peoples.
But the racial composition of the plebs itself gradually changed as a result of the inclusion of Italian families, which had the same physical and mental features that were previously represented only among the patricians. These Italians in their native places were themselves patricians, and they were recorded in plebeians in Rome. Even in the republican time, the plebeian clan Flavius was known, from the word “flavus” – “fair-haired”, which means that blond hair was not only among the patricians. Out of patricians and noble plebeian clans a new nobility formed – nobility. The plebeian clans of Katullov and Metellov were in no way inferior to the patricians in the framework of this new ruling stratum.
Education Nobility in the III century BC the early period of the racial history of Rome ends, and with the extermination of this nobility, its last period begins. Nordic blood still prevailed in nobility. This estate supplied senators. The aristocratic republic of the Roman type should be considered as the most natural form of the state, when a small Nordic layer dominates the non-Nordic population. A similar form in the history of England has the same racial background.
Senatorial families sought to implement the ideal of a true Roman. Rome arose on the basis of such Nordic values as courage, courage, judgment, self-discipline, worthy behavior and piety, and died with their loss.
Senatorial families continued to think in a peasant way, although they belonged to a noble race. Hence the contempt of the patricians, and later the nobleman for traders. The senate of the early republic Kulenbek calls “the assembly of the kings”, “the most brilliant aristocracy in world history, except for the Grand Council of Venice.”
In Rome, as in Hellas, the Nordic race manifested itself as a race that brings order to the world, but the Greeks were able to give the finished form to marble, and the Romans to the state …
In constant wars, the upper class of Rome suffered losses, but while the Roman people remained mainly peasant, these losses were quickly compensated. This happened after the invasion of the Gauls in the IV century BC.
The power of Rome was in large families. Roman peasants gave proper names only to the first four children, and subsequent ones gave serial numbers: Quintus, Sextus, Decimus, and the name “Decimus” (“tenth”) was not uncommon.
Roman law was based on family law. Testament with the regulation of inheritance is a purely Roman invention. The Romans condemned marriages between close relatives. The laws of 12 tables prescribed the destruction of newborn freaks. Even Seneca wrote about this as a reasonable measure.
If the Italian tribes subjugated by the Romans enriched Nobility with Nordic blood, this cannot be said about the Etruscans. Among the Etruscans, it seems that the Asian and Alpine races more and more prevailed. The Romans called the late Etruscans “fattened and fat.”
But the losses after the Punic Wars were no longer compensated. Of the old patrician families, no more than twenty remained. The peasantry suffered heavy losses during the invasion of Hannibal.
Polybius called victory over Hannibal the culmination of Roman history, but it also began the internal decline of Rome, followed by the external.
After this victory, Rome became a financial center and therefore attractive to people of the Near Asian race. The rapidly growing wealth buried ancient Roman customs. People have become more pretentious. Since all government posts were honorable and not paid, only the rich began to apply for them, who bought the votes of voters, an increasingly large urban mass. These expenses were then covered by the robbery of the provinces.
A reduction in the number of peasants and a drop in fertility began. Most Nordic blood was preserved among the peasantry, especially among the Umbro-Sabella tribes, who were less affected by the wars than Rome itself and the Latin tribe.
A lot of cheap grain was imported and the peasantry of Italy was ruined because of this. Peasants torn off the ground went to Rome and became paid voters, quickly succumbing to the corrupting spirit of the big city. And the owners of latifundia increasingly replaced the labor of local peasants with the labor of imported slaves.
Although Rome defeated Carthage, the Carthaginian mercantile spirit defeated Rome. The Romans studied the Carthaginian experience of managing latifundia with slaves working for them. The imported slaves eventually became the ancestors of most of Italy’s population. Not only did the racial composition of the population change; there was a gradual depopulation of even the most fertile regions …
From the 2nd century BC moral decay also became noticeable in Rome and in its upper stratum. The marriage ceased to be sacred, the number of divorces increased.
Same-sex love spread from countries primarily of the Near Asian race and from Egypt. In Etruria, it has long been commonplace, and in ancient Rome was considered a crime. But later this infection also captured Rome – so much so that Martial openly bragged about it, the emperors Caligula and Chest of drawers contained the harems of the boys, and the emperor Vitellius himself came out of those boys.
Hellenistic education also became an instrument of spiritual decay.
Caton, a descendant of a peasant family from the Sabine Mountains, tried to revive old customs. According to Plutarch, he had reddish hair and blue eyes. Equally Nordic were his spiritual qualities. He despised Hellenistic education and fought against it as against superficial amateurism.
Cato himself in his youth engaged in agricultural work with his slaves, but in his old age he became a large landowner and lived mostly in Rome. He was no longer a man of ancient Rome.
Data on the color of the hair and eyes of Cato is the first such information in Roman history. When Virgil rewards the blond hair of his heroes, this is more likely to see Homer’s influence. Ovid has it undoubtedly.
Roman sculptures depicting real people, however, show that at the time of Cato, the Roman people still had a noticeable Nordic admixture. Cato himself disapproved of the fact that the Romans make their hair blond. This means that darkening had already occurred then, but blond hair was still considered a sign of noble origin. When Horace wrote: “Fear blacks, Roman!”, He hardly understood the racial meaning of this expression, dating back to the times of the confrontation between the Nordic and Mediterranean or Alpine races. Ancient Roman names indicating Nordic fairness, such as Flav, Fulvius, Rufus, Ruful, Rufin, and later also Rutilius, as well as the generic names Flavius and Aganobard (redbeard), are found in large numbers. The names Alb and Albin, as well as the Greek Levky and Sulevk, indicate very fair hair or very fair skin or silt to both together, and the name of Ravil – to the gray color of the eyes. The name Cassius Longinus Ravilla also indicates high growth. The name Cesium is found in many areas of Italy. Roman poets used this epithet when describing radiant, first of all, blue eyes with a sharp look noted by Caesar among the Germans.
But later, more and more often there are cases when one of the relatives bears the additional name “dark” (“niger”), and the other – “light”. Names such as Crassus (fat), Crisp (curly), Nigell and Nigrin point to short people with dark, curly hair. From the fact that the Romans, having got acquainted with the population of North Africa, gave it the name “Moors” (Greek: Mauros – dark), it follows that then they were much brighter than North Africans and brighter than modern southern Italians, who differ little from them in pigmentation, and North Africans are a mixture of the Mediterranean, Oriental and Negroid races. In those cases when the names indicate light pigmentation, we are talking, of course, about the Nordic, and not about the East Baltic race.
After the Cato era, the proportion of Nordic blood gradually decreased as Rome turned into a world empire. Such is the fate of all world powers. The same happened with the Roman Empire as with the Persian. As Montesquieu said: “The Romans, condemning all nations to death, doomed themselves to doom.” Any imperialism means, from a racial point of view, the thinning of the leading layer and, as a result, its rupture. Until now, not a single world power could be guided by the racial and racial-hygienic point of view.
Marriages with “barbaric” women were banned until the 4th century CE. but cohabitation with them led to racial confusion.
The Gracchus brothers tried to revive the peasantry in Italy, but could not do this: they came too late. The new peasants went bankrupt when the free sale of land was announced. Guy Gracchus also worked against his own plans when he introduced in Rome the sale of cheap bread to the poor. He thereby reduced purely those who generally wanted to engage in agriculture.
Later, the Senate exempted all Italian state lands from taxes, but this did not strengthen, but weakened the peasantry even more. The latifundists began to turn their lands into wastelands and parks, since no taxes forced them to make their estates profitable. Many peasants left Italy for the provinces, where more favorable conditions were created for the peasants.
From the time of Gaius Gracchus, a new estate began to strengthen – the horsemen. It used to be called people who went to war with their horse, but there are almost none left after the Punic Wars. The new estate of horsemen was made up of wealthy nominees from the lower strata.
Gaius Marius, a representative of this estate, hated the aristocracy and gave her a blood bath when he came to power in Rome. So the irreplaceable gene pool was destroyed. Judging by the bust of Maria, the features of the Falsky and Alpine races were mixed in this man.
His adversary Sulla belonged to the old aristocracy. According to Plutarch’s description, he had unusually blue eyes and golden hair. Sulla’s type is predominantly Nordic. He was distinguished by great willpower, determination and illegibility in the means. Similar people are often found among the Anglo-Saxons. Sulla responded to terror with terror and again to the detriment of his own people. Sulla could introduce a monarchy, but he preferred an aristocratic republic. He managed to restore the relative order.
In Sulla, you can see the type characteristic of the later periods of life of the peoples of the Nordic race.
As a result of civil wars in Rome, the ancient Roman type was almost completely destroyed. He became a rarity, an exception, and the Roman spirit – the spirit of degeneration and racial mixing. Nobility died out or degenerated, riders became the new upper layer. In place of the old division, which arose on a racial basis, came a new division into rich and poor.
The century before and after the beginning of our era can be considered an era of extinction of the last leading genera of Nordic origin. After the reign of Tiberius, only patrician clans remained. The lifestyle of the riders was one of the main causes of moral decay. The time came when everything in Rome began to be sold. According to Mommsen, statesmen sold the state, citizens – their freedom, women – their honor. The country was empty, and the population of Rome was growing. People gathered here from the whole Mediterranean, attracted by free distribution of bread, dubious enrichment opportunities and spectacles. “The bulk of the state beggars … consisted of freedmen and bastards of all races” (Kulenbek).
The areas devastated by the civil war were again populated, although not as densely as before, and not by the former inhabitants, but due to the import of slaves, which increased sharply after the Punic Wars. The number of slaves among wealthy landowners reached 10,000. The number of slaves did not increase as a result of their reproduction, but as a result of the importation of new slaves. Slaves were delivered mainly from the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, which was completely depopulated because of this. Back in 135 BC the Syrian slave Eun raised a great uprising of slaves in Sicily.
Ultimately, the Romans in their bulk became the descendants of imported slaves. The freeing of slaves was practiced so widely that in 8 AD it had to be restricted by law. As the population was declining, it was replenished at the expense of the offspring of slaves. The slaves who gave birth to three children were released for it. It often happened that my grandfather was a freedman who made a fortune by trading, his father became a rider, and his son a senator.
Fishes of oriental origin were especially good at seducing their masters, catching their mood, doing profitable business for them, for which they were released. Typically, the Eastern reptile to those in power and the cruelty of upstarts that had reached power, as well as the luxuries of the nouveau riche, characteristic of the Near Asian race, alien to the Romans themselves, began to determine the life of the “Romans” who came to power in the Roman Empire after the disappearance of nobility. The subservience of the senate to the degenerates of various races who became emperors, these emperors themselves and their luxuries have prototypes in the East. By the time of Nero, many senators and horsemen, as Tacitus writes, were descendants of slaves.
With the influx of eastern blood, all views and customs changed. Tacitus foresaw the impending doom of the denordized and degenerate world empire.
There were no more obstacles to racial confusion. Aristocratic families almost all died out, ceased to be an example in public life, or themselves became sick and flawed. Society was divided into a handful of rootless rich people and a mass of such rootless poor people. In cities, the number of “proletarians,” i.e. the poor, from whom the state did not take taxes, and only expected from them that they would produce “offspring” (proles). Under Mary, the army of military-laden Roman citizens turned into an army of professional mercenaries, which meant a break with Roman tradition. Mercenaries were, for the most part, natives of the proletarian strata, i.e. from the most different nations. Racial metamorphoses turned the Romans into avid cowards to the delights. They roamed in Rome, and mercenaries were given the opportunity to defend the borders of the empire.
With the disappearance of the clans capable of governing the state, the aristocratic republic lost its support. It was replaced by a “democratic” empire.
The old aristocracy suffered a final defeat at the battle of Pharsalus in 48 BC. Caesar, who became the sovereign ruler, was himself from a patrician clan. According to the description, he was tall, thin, with very fair skin and dark hair and eyes. He was dominated by Nordic features. He tried to win over the aristocracy and had mercy on his enemies. But they remained implacable and killed him.
His successor Augustus was of medium height, fair-haired, with gray-blue eyes. But the Roman Empire gradually degenerated into eastern despotism.
The aristocracy has almost completely disappeared. Already at the beginning of the 1st century A.D. the births of Yuliev, Empliev, Klavdiev, Valeriev, Corneliev, Fabiev, Manliev, Sulpiciev, Yuniev, Liviev, Fulviev, Litsiniev, Pizonov and Temelov died out, and Hortensia became so impoverished that they were expelled from the estate. Calpurnia survived longer than others.
Caesar introduced the law on the appointment of patricians, but subsequent emperors also destroyed this new aristocracy.
In the Empire there were no noble families, no noble families — only noble loners who took refuge in Stoicism. Stoicism, at least in its Roman form, can be considered the spiritual position of the Nordic man in conditions of decay. Noble people could only maintain composure, composure (“not to be surprised at anything”) and dignity. The time of all other aspirations has passed. Stoicism taught to be unshakable, no matter what fate sends, and this purely Nordic feature in that late era attracted just Nordic people. This mood is also expressed in Cicero’s treatise On Duties.
Lenz and Sheman believe that stoicism played a racially harmful role in Roman history, as he preached individualism and cosmopolitanism. They say that the Stoic man is a man without a clan and tribe, without a people and a race, but they forget that the era of the Roman Empire was not the time when it was still possible to put emphasis on the clan and the tribe, on the people and the race. It was a late era when individuals with an exalted way of thinking no longer had a living connection with their people, and in many cases even with their closest blood relatives. Love for the homeland of Tacitus, who foresaw his death, is an expression of a sense of duty that has lost hope. One can imagine that Gobino also loved his fatherland. Where people and races are decaying, where the boundaries between races are blurred, naturally the emergence of such teachings as Stoicism, seeking to unite the last noble people, not thinking that they are doing this last blow to the relations of the individual with the people and race. Late Roman stoicism was a way of thinking of people who, without hope, expected death. Therefore, they were against marriage, against having children.
It was not possible to revive the peasantry in Italy. The proletarians and retired soldiers preferred to live in cities, receive alms, and sell their votes. The import of slaves began to decline. The place of the peasants was taken by small tenants, due to whom the urban landowners lived. The upper layer was the same mixture of many races as the lower one, only more prudent, cunning and successful in money matters prevailed in it.
American Frank in his great work “Racial Mixing in the Roman Empire” (1916) showed that at the beginning of the emperor’s era, 90% of the lower layers were of eastern origin, and the entire upper layer was filled with descendants of freedmen. It is no coincidence, according to Zeek (The History of the Destruction of the Ancient World, 1922) that almost all the peoples of the Roman Empire had “Semitic features,” an admixture of peoples speaking Semitic languages, a mixture of oriental and Near-Asian races. In tombstones of the era of the emperors, non-Roman names are increasingly found. Every year, 3-4 thousand mercenaries of various origins received Roman citizenship.
Frank emphasizes that in the era of the Empire, eastern cults spread along with eastern blood.
The last barriers to the confusion of peoples and fell apart in 212 when Roman citizenship was granted to all free residents of the state. This law was passed by Caracalla, the son of the African Septimius Severus and the Syrians, according to the description, a small man with curly hair, cruel and cowardly. He surrounded himself with a German guard and walked in a German dress and wore a light wig.
They were numerous and had great influence throughout the empire, especially in Alexandria and Rome, also the Jews, a mixture of the Near Asian and Oriental races. Cicero wrote about their influence. Jews and Syrians of the same racial type decomposed the empire. Many emperors especially favored them. People of the Near-Asian race are good psychologists, they know how to adapt to the powers that be and have long learned how to manage them. It is even suggested that the Roman Empire was destroyed not by the Germans, but by the Jews.
August tried to prevent the decline in the population through laws on strengthening the family, but the decay of morals was stronger than the laws. Nerva and Trayan still founded institutions for the education of poor children, but this did not help either.
When marrying, they no longer paid attention to their origin – only money played a role. Augustus forbade senators and their children to marry freedmen, but Justin (518-527) repealed this law in the Eastern Roman Empire.
The decline in population has affected politics. Trajan’s successors could no longer wage war of conquest … About 200, the population of Rome, despite the constant influx of foreigners, decreased by half compared with the era of Augustus, and about 400 amounted to 1/12 of the once reached maximum and continued to decline.
To the extinction of the Nordic race in the era of the Empire, degeneration was added, i.e. an increase in the number of inferior hereditary makings in all races. People became ugly, which happens with a combination of the hereditary makings of races that are very distant from each other. This is evidenced by sculptures and descriptions.
Seek notes that from the 1st century A.D. not in any field of activity has a single any significant new idea emerged. Literature and art were fruitlessly imitative. The only exception was the religious sphere, where both pagans and Christians were able to create something new. But this new one was permeated not by the Nordic Roman, but by the Eastern spirit. The process that Kunast traced among the Denordized Hellenes also took place among the Denordized Romans. In both cases, this was a manifestation of the racial soul of the Near Asian race. The greatest influence was gained by those pagan and Christian forms of faith, which preached the Eastern ideas alien to the Indo-Europeans of flight from the world and mortification of the flesh. Clearly, few could follow these ideas. The most persistent of them were martyred, the cowards renounced and continued to live and multiply. Hereditary cowardice has become a sign of the Romans during the decline.
But before the complete extinction of the Nordic race, even in the era of the Empire, things had not yet reached. Even before the advent of the Germans, emperors and commanders with Nordic features are found. Heath considers Nordic the shape of the head of Mark Anthony, Caesar, Galba, Vespasian and Trajan. We have already spoken about Caesar and Augustus. Galba’s head shape is rather Nordic-Dinaric, he was of medium height, but with blue eyes. Caligula was a man of high stature, with fair skin, Nero – of medium stature, blond with blue eyes, like his wife Poppea. Lucius Ver, judging by the busts, a hybrid of the Nordic and Near Asian races, was a tall blond, Komod (the same hybrid) had curly blond hair.
Until the 2nd century AD the Romans painted the statues, but one should not think that these paints corresponded to the pigmentation of the original – they could be chosen in accordance with ideas of noble origin. The majority of the population already at the time of Caesar was mainly a mixture of the Mediterranean, Central Asian and Alpine races, and in Northern Italy with a dinar impurity. Caesar notes that the Romans are shorter than the Gauls. People whose images are preserved in Pompeii are similar to modern southern Italians.
Tall stature and blond hair could persist among the aristocracy. Black hair was ashamed – we already talked about the wig of Caracalla. Rich upstarts bought blond hair from Germany for themselves and their families in order to have a “noble appearance”. Another remedy was hair coloring.
The ideal of beauty among poets was distinguished by Nordic features. Horace portrayed the gods and heroes as blondes, although he, by his own description, was small, fat, black-haired and dark-eyed, with a low forehead. The same image was of the gods and heroes of Virgil, a man of high stature, with dark skin, of a dark-skinned Ovid (his middle name Nazon indicates a large nose), of Juvenal, Catullus, Tibull, Seneca, Stats and Claudian. But in this they followed Hellenic patterns, which cannot be said of those cases when features of real faces were described. The constant epithet of girls in almost all Roman poets is “pink-white” (candida), and this skin color is characteristic of the Nordic race …
The Greeks and Indians did not like the fused eyebrows; the Romans considered them, like the dark fluff on the upper lip of women (this feature is often found in the Mediterranean and Dinar races) a sign of passion …
By the time the Germans began to serve in the Roman army, blond hair and blue eyes could already be perceived as Germanic rather than Roman, but the poets nevertheless continued to sing them, like the dark-haired Tibull – his fair-haired beloved Delia. Apulia, being of African descent, describes himself as a tall blond. Persons of Roman sculptures usually have Nordic features: clear contours, protruding chin, “Roman nose”, hard or bold expression.
A correspondent for a Munich newspaper, Albert Kapp, after visiting the Naples Museum in 1924, was surprised to note the “Prussian character” of Roman portrait busts. He found among them a couple of “English”.
The Nordic admixture can be traced to the very end of Roman history. Killed in the struggle for power in 197. Albin was a tall man with very fair skin and curly hair, Diocletian was a thin tall man with fair skin and blue eyes. Gallien was small, snub-nosed and dark-haired, but he sprinkled his hair with golden powder. Julian the Apostate had blue eyes. Blond was one of the last Roman emperors Majorian (457-461gg.).
Two Roman emperors preserved the traits of the ancient Roman character – Trajan and Decius. It is no accident that both of them are dominated by the Nordic type.
Trayan also had a small Dinar impurity. He is called “the last great representative of the ancient Roman spirit.” He was one of the most capable rulers of Rome. But already under his successors it became clear that this ancient Roman spirit was inherent in only one person, the emperor, and not the people.
The last time the ancient Roman spirit manifested itself in Deci (249-251gg.). He saw in Christianity a threat to the state and organized the first persecution of Christians.
The first German on the throne of Caesars can be considered Maximinus Thracian (235-236), the son of a Goth and Alan, a very strong man of enormous growth. This was the first emperor not from senators, but from peasants. Pure Germans were the Franks, brothers of Magnesius and Decents (350-353gg.).
But emperors also included people of a different origin. Of the Septimius Severus, an African who turned Rome into an Eastern despot, Domashevsky writes that “he woke up the demonic hatred of the Punians, to whom he belonged by blood, which had not weakened for several centuries, and he crowned the destruction of Roman power in the Empire by restoring the tomb of his idol Hannibal in Bithynia. He wanted to set the provinces on the hated Rome. ” He persecuted throughout the Empire those who stood out for their education and wealth, because “deeply laid in him was the hatred of the Semite, who knows neither pity nor mercy.” It was his son Caracalla who made the Roman citizens of all the free inhabitants of the Empire and destroyed the remnants of the old and new aristocracy.
The rule of the emperor Gelogabal (218-222gg.) Was accomplished orientally in spirit, which, in addition to the Near Asian and Oriental, also had a black mix. But it must be borne in mind that it was a geek. Signs of degeneration were then manifested in the families of Roman emperors no less than among the people. Ernst Müller, as a psychiatrist, studied the surviving busts of emperors and historical sources. He diagnosed “juvenile dementia” to Tiberius and his great-nephew Caligula, just dementia to his uncle Claudius. In Nero, Claudius’s great-nephew, youthful dementia was probably combined with a persecution mania. Domitian was crazy, Komod had symptoms of juvenile dementia, Heliogabal had obvious mental disorders, Caracalla was also crazy.
Republican decorations under all emperors were more or less preserved. August and Traian even tried to attract the Senate to more active cooperation and expand its powers, but the senators were too cowardly. Diocletian was the first to legislatively formalize the de facto sole rule of the emperor. The Senate was relegated to the role of the Roman City Council.
A separation was also made between military and civilian authorities. Zeek drew attention to the fact that “meek Romans” occupied civilian posts, and military “strong barbarians”.
These “barbarians” were mostly Germans or their descendants, people like Maximinus of Thrace. Surprisingly, the internal decay of Rome, which began after the Punic Wars, did not lead to a rapid collapse, but lasted so long – the Empire creaked until the middle of the 5th century. Historians attribute this to the influx of German power into the decaying Roman Empire.
The history of the Germans in the Roman Empire was described from a racial point of view by Voltman in the book “Germans and the Renaissance in Italy” (1905). The German auxiliary troops helped Caesar defeat in the Civil War: he was the first to note their fighting qualities. By the beginning of the era of emperors, the growth in the troops had decreased to 1.48 m, and by the 4th century it had increased again to 1.65 m, in the guard even to 1.72 m thanks to the German mercenaries …
In the IV century, migrations of entire Germanic tribes began, together with women and children, within the Empire. In the years 395-408 a German, vandal Stilicho actually ruled the Empire until he was killed by order of the emperor Honorius. After his death, the Visigoths captured Rome. Later, Prince Sveva Rikimer ruled Rome, and in 476 the German Odoacer overthrew the last Roman emperor.
Christianity also could not save the decaying Roman Empire. Initially, it was the faith of its lower strata, by which the state mindset of free Romans was as alien and hateful as the freethinking and creativity of the Hellenes. Von Pölman showed the degree of this hatred in his pamphlet The Worldview of Tacitus (1914). Due to their racial composition, the early Christians were closer to the Asian and Oriental views, the ideas of flight from the world and asceticism. It is characteristic that when Christianity became the state religion, the law of the time of Augustus, punishing for celibacy, was canceled – now celibacy has become a virtue. The obstacles to marriage between Christians and Jews were also removed, but under the then racial mess, the Christian population was not much different from the Jewish people …
… The significance of race and healthy heredity, the significance of the direction of selection are visible on the example of Roman history as clearly as on the example of the Greeks. The fate of both peoples serves as an explanation of the words of the British statesman Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield), proud of his Jewish race: “The racial issue is the key to world history” and “Race is everything”; there is no other truth, and any race that carelessly admits the mixing of its blood is doomed to death. ” The first example of a racological, biological approach to history can be called the “History of the death of the ancient world” by Zeek (1910), where the reasons for this “death” are explained. According to Zeek, the main reason is “the spiritual and physical decline of the race.” It is more correct to say: the physical and spiritual degeneration of the population, while the extinction of the Nordic race.
The word “Romans” among the Germans of the era of the Great Migration was not abusive; Germans despised the Romans in the same way as the Romans in the 2nd century BC despised the Hellenes. But neither the Germans nor the Romans of those times could know that those Hellenes and those Romans were not blood heirs of those who created Hellas and Rome; they inherited only language from them. When Cola di Rienzi (1313-54) acted as a “Roman tribune” and tried to revive ancient Rome, he forgot, as modern Italians forget, that the origin and inheritance of a language are two different things. Those Germans are also mistaken who see in the current population of Germany as a whole “Germans” in the sense of physical and mental hereditary inclinations. But the racial difference between the current Italians and the Romans is still much greater,
The “death” of Hellenic-Roman civilization was not only the result of the exhaustion of all creative forces at the beginning of the era of the Empire; even the ability to preserve previously created cultural values has disappeared. In the era of denordization and degeneration, it was impossible to preserve what was created in the creative era. The German world of the medieval West had to almost re-create a culture as opposed to the rotting racial swamp of the Mediterranean.
Hans F.K. Gunther Lemans Ferlag. Munich, 1929
And now we see the reality of the Helots; the missing piece to understanding what and why.